Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Proud to be an American!

Even though I've been in the US for almost 14 years, have been a permanent resident for a few of those years, yesterday, July 21 marked a new beginning in mine and my family's life. I can now call myself an American!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Dedication Day

Sittin' with (little) big brother

Are you, uh, talkin to me???

Fat daddy + sleepy girl = good nap

I guess being a bit "fluffy" does come in handy. (And I'm talking about me, not her!) But, hey, the fluff is slowly going away...

Snow? In Alabama?

Well, sure. That is, if you can call it "snow." More like a light dusting, but the boys had the best time with it!

Hand-made dress

Thanks to our incredible friend Jane, Emma had a lovely dress to be dedicated in. Jane smocked the dress especially for our little "Love Buttons" and I think she likes it.

Backyard portraits

What do you do when it's cold outside and you can't go to a nice place to take pics? You go outside, on the back deck and do a 3-minute photoshoot. I think it actually worked out.